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July 28, 2008

Valdís Óskarsdóttir shot Sveitabrúðkaup (Country Wedding) in 7 Days

423pxsveitabrudkaup Valdís Óskarsdóttir is one, if not the best, film editor from Iceland, having worked on films such as Dogme # 1: Festen (The Celebration), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (for which she won a Bafta award), Julian Donkey Boy and Mongol, she’s now one of the driving forces behind Iceland’s changing cinematic landscape.
Definitely working with unique filmmakers such as Michel Gondry, Anders Thomas Jensen and Thomas Vinterberg has gotten her infected with the directing bug, because this year, although pretty much unknown to everyone, she shot a feature film in seven days using four cameras all supervised by Cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle (28 Days Later, Mifunes sidste sang, The Last King of Scotland) and the cast made up of the Vesturport gang (Children, Parents and the upcoming Undercurrent).
I'm not quite sure if this is a Guerrilla Film, I don't have any idea how much the budget was, but there are a lot of people from the old Dogme Movement and was shot in one week, so that's enough for me to spread the word.

The story is about a young couple who want to get married in a country chapel an hour away from the city. To keep with the tradition that the bride and groom shouldn’t see each other before the ceremony the two families travel by two busses from the city only to get lost on the way. The short trip turns in to hours of stress and drama, where things are said that otherwise should be left buried.
The project was extremely low profile and it’s only now that the people behind it have said something about it in the local media. Valdís is a fantastic editor and the cast is very good I know she has picked up a trick or two from her fellows directors so I think we will have a solid chance to see a great film.
Rumored premiere date is the 28th of August. No trailer yet.


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