Carlitos is Pissed, an online comedy series, created by my partner Javier Perez-Karam and produced by me, is looking for 1,000 friends on facebook (Add him) and 1,000 followers on twitter (Follow him).
We need all those friends and followers to start shopping around the series that will allow us to continue producing more episodes.
A teddy bear comes out of storage to take revenge on his owner for have him locked in a box for 12 years! with books of philosophy. So we can say is a wise ass teddy bear!
We want your help, only if you like it, but we're so confident, that we know you'll ending up helping us to spread the word! So this is what you need to do:
1- Visit the website and watch our first three episodes! Comment! Share it! Post it in your Facebook!
2- Like our facebook page to get daily updates and jokes from our teddy bear!
3- If you are in twitter don’t miss Carlitos’ funny tweets
4- Let us know what you think, what you’d like to see! And don’t forget to share it with you friends and followers!!”